What is the Accountability Archive?
The Accountability Archive is a crowdsourced record of journalists, politicians, and public figures endorsing or encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and/or defaming pro-Palestinian activists.
We have a vision of a public resource to be used by future historians, and researchers, helping understand how power holders attempted to manufacture consent for the genocidal aggression towards the Palestinian people. We hope this resource will serve to hold them to account.
The contents of the archive are currently not publicly available while we perform analysis on the data supplied. In the meantime, if you would like to request access to our database for research purposes, please email accountabilityarchive@proton.me with details of your institution, position, and your project.
Who are we?
We are a group of middle east experts, researchers, and concerned citizens who have banded together to create the Accountability Archive. Our team is diverse, comprising volunteers from a range of nationalities and backgrounds, including Jews, Muslims, and nonbelievers. We are brought together by a deep sense of shame of our governments’ complicity in the current slaughter and a sense of duty to the Palestinians to hold our leaders to account.
How does it work?
Links and all relevant data submitted through the form are stored in our secure database.
Web pages are automatically backed up to the Wayback Machine if possible, but for certain links, we ask users to manually submit them to archive.today, an alternative internet archival tool which works more reliably on certain sites (such as Twitter/X) but doesn’t provide the functionality needed for us to automate submissions.
We also automatically take a screenshot of the content of the web page, and download relevant supported media (i.e. videos in social media posts) and store them ourselves.
In the coming months, analysts will review the submissions and add more details and translate the content of these web pages.